Diocese of Trenton

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Diocese of Trenton Website

News from the Diocese

Established in 1881, the Diocese of Trenton is comprised of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean Counties with a Catholic population of 830,000. The diocese has 211 priests, 338 permanent deacons and 450 religious men and women serving in 109 parishes, 36 Catholic elementary schools and 8 high schools.

Diocese's history over more than a century built on service to God's People

Pope Leo XIII created the Diocese of Trenton in 1881, carving it out of the Diocese of Newark, which then covered all of New Jersey.

The new Diocese of Trenton, with Bishop Michael J. O'Farrell as its Chief Shepherd, included 14 counties and covered two-thirds of the area of New Jersey. It had about 35,000 Catholics in a general population of 413,693, with 51 priests.

In its nearly 127-year history, the diocese has been divided twice to establish new dioceses and today includes the four Central New Jersey counties of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean.

Directives from the Bishop for Limited in Church Masses & Sacraments

New liturgical and pastoral directives during the COVID-19 pandemic, including limited “in church” weekend Masses beginning June 13-14, with Mass schedules to be determined by pastors. The bishop's announcement  and complete list of directives can be read on the diocesan website here: https://dioceseoftrenton.org/news/dates-announced-for-limited-in-church-masses-sacraments.

Those who are frightened, those with a COVID-19 diagnosis or symptoms, those who may be asymptomatic carriers, those not feeling well, those with underlying health conditions or those in a high-risk category should avoid public gatherings of any kind whether indoors or outdoors.


Bishop O'Connell announces approval of 'in car' Masses, distribution of Eucharist

In a new statement issued May 15, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., announced his approval of a set of directives that give permission for outdoor “in car” Masses according to good pastoral judgement of parish pastors.The announcement follows N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 142 stipulating that car gatherings for a number of purposes, including religious services, do not violate the state’s ban on gatherings. The statement and directives are available by clicking here


Bishop O’Connell joins North American bishops in reconsecrating nations to the Blessed Mother

Mater Ecclesiae mosaic at Saint John Paul II Seminary

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will join his brother bishops of the United States in Canada in reconsecrating the two nations to the care and protection of the Blessed Mother on May 1.

Faith at Home
As we navigate this unprecedented time, the Diocese of Trenton is here to support you and your families. We hope you take advantage of the trusted Catholic resources your Parish and our offices have put together to help you keep the faith alive for your family.

We have updated our Faith At Home resource to help you celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday this week and will continue to publish this resource each week. It will be posted on our webpage at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/faith-at-home and en Español at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/fe-en-casa.

We will continue to pray for an end to the virus, those who are infected and those who care for the sick. May God continue to bless us and keep us close to Him.


A Light in the Darkness
We are called to be Light in the Darkness. This Holy Saturday, let your light shine in the form of a candle (electric is fine) as Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton show unity with Catholics throughout the world lighting the Paschal Candle at Easter Vigils.


Churches Ordered CLOSED in the Diocese
On the advice of public health officials, Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M., is mandating the closing of all churches and chapels in the Diocese of Trenton to the public, effective at noon, Wednesday, April 1, until further notice.


Bishop's Message
Bishop's decree announces livestreaming and postponements for Holy Week liturgies
A message from Bishop O'Connell on measures to mitigate spread of COVID-19


Bishop announces major steps to stem COVID-19 spread in Trenton Diocese
Diocese of Trenton, parishes, schools respond to COVID-19

News from the Diocese

St. Catherine's Church